MATTA Travel Safe

Certificate Announcement

We would like to inform our esteemed guests and customers, that we, at Perfect Vacation Sdn. Bhd., have been granted the certification of MATTA Travel Safe, with the Grading: Satisfactory.

This certificate has been issued on the 8th of March, 2022, and was verified by the Bureau Veritas Certification (M) Sdn. Bhd.

In order to achieve certification, travel companies must first be audited by a team of inspectors from Bureau Veritas, who will check to see if the organization conforms to the guidelines developed by MATTA. These safety measures cover hygiene compliance, social distancing and various other SOP designed to combat the spread of Covid-19. The checks are designed to protect employees, while also providing reassurance to customers about the efficacy and thoroughness of such measures.

The official safety label and certificate are presented to travel companies upon completion of a full audit by Bureau Veritas. The Perfect Holidays office passed the inspection with a ‘satisfactory’ rating and was officially awarded both the certificate and label on 8 March 2022. This certificate is valid for 3 years of operations, with additional audits every year to make sure the same high standards are being maintained.

The Travel Safe certification programme is provided by Bureau Veritas and supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC). All safety measures have been devised and implemented by MATTA, according to the requirements set forth in the official “Clean & Safe Malaysia” – Hotel Certification Guidelines.

Supported by the government, MATTA certification is helping tourism industry players get back to business as quickly and safely as possible, by ensuring the appropriate health, safety and hygiene conditions are implemented in all workplaces and tourism activities.

We would like to reassure our guests and customers that we strive to bring to you the best service, hygiene and safety for your travels with us. We look forward to seeing you soon and hope that you would feel confident and with peace of mind. Thank you.